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Skills for Success Program: Amideast Celebrates Successful Graduation of 242 Participants in Laayoune and Esmara

Amideast is pleased to announce the graduation of 242 participants who completed the Skills for Success Program in 2024.  The Skills for Success Program is a joint initiative led by Amideast and supported by the U.S Department of State’s Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI).  The graduation ceremonies took place in Esmara on Wednesday, June 26, and Laayoune on Thursday, June 27, 2024. 

The Skills for Success program improves beneficiaries’ proficiency in workplace English to enhance their employment opportunities, as well as equips them with personal and professional skills that facilitate their employability.  To date, Amideast has assisted 230 participants with work or internship placement.  The training program consists of five components with 120 hours of English language instruction forming the core of the program, supplemented with computer/IT skills, professional skills, and the option to choose further training through transition-to-work and entrepreneurship components. 

A unique Pay-it-Forward element also required all participants to deliver workshops in their own communities that drew on their personal development in the program. Through the Pay-It-Forward activity, 1269 additional women and youth have been reached in 2024 through workshops delivered by primary program beneficiaries.

In Laayoune, the graduation ceremony was hosted at the youth center Al Wahda and attended by MEPI’s Program Specialist, Ms. Nadia Talbi from the Assistance Coordination Regional Office in Rabat, Amideast’s Country Director, Dr. Chris Shinn and Skills for Success Program Manager Mr. Ahmed Khouyi. The event was attended by a variety of stakeholders.  Ms. Talbi noted in her opening remarks that, “The United States is dedicated to fostering and sustaining inclusive economic growth throughout Morocco to support this goal, particularly for vulnerable groups. This unique partnership with Amideast's 'Skills for Success' program has a profound impact, allowing us to collaborate for a brighter future.”

In Esmara, the event was held at the Hosting Center and launched by the Pasha, Mr. Boujamaa Qsioui, with the Chief of General Affairs Division, Mr. Toufik El Harousse in attendance along with 76 graduates. The two ceremonies were organized and facilitated by a group of Skills for Success participants and included graduates from Boujour. 

A third ceremony is planned in Dakhla on July 15, which will mark the final major event of this three-year initiative.