Negotiation Skills Master Class

America House is recruiting participants for A 30-HOUR NEGOTIATION SKILLS MASTER CLASS training program in Ramallah.

Paprticipants will learn to: 
• Get more of what you want, without damaging relationships - by achieving win/win solutions.
• Deliberately and naturally control and manage your behavior, using this more skillfully.
• When, where, over what, and with whom do you negotiate?    
• What are the golden rules for getting what you want without damaging relations with other parties?
• What are your rights in a negotiation, and what are the rights of others? How do you respect these?
• Can you control your body language? Can you avoid ‘leaking’ signals and giving too much away?
• How can you keep your body language congruent with your spoken words? Why is this important?
• Why are BATNAs (best alternatives to negotiated agreement) important?    
• What can we learn from the huge amount of research on and around negotiation?
• What do the best negotiators do that make them so special? Which of these skills can you develop?

Eligibility Criteria:
• Very good / Excellent English Language
• Mid-level professional or post-graduates
• Willingness and commitment to learn and be an active participant
• Commitment to both morning and evening classes
• Ability to attend face-to-face training sessions in Ramallah

Training Schedule:

TRAINING START DATE - Monday September 16, 2024, at 3:00pm 

Mondays and Wednesdays from 3:00pm to 6:00pm

Training Site: America House Ramallah


How to Apply:

Application is now closed.