More on TOEIC® Tests: English for Career Success


TOEIC tests—

  • Are actively used by over 14,000 institutions worldwide and taken by approximately 7 million candidates annually. Succeeding on TOEIC tests means earning an internationally recognized credential.
  • Show potential employers you speak English well, with just a quick glance at your résumé
  • Show you're ready for new responsibilities and overseas assignments in your current job
  • Inform you about your current language strengths and weaknesses, helping you continue to improve


TOEIC tests—

  • Are actively used by over 14,000 institutions worldwide and taken by approximately 7 million candidates annually. Succeeding on TOEIC tests means earning an internationally recognized credential.
  • Show potential employers you speak English well, with just a quick glance at your résumé
  • Show you're ready for new responsibilities and overseas assignments in your current job
  • Inform you about your current language strengths and weaknesses, helping you continue to improve