Stem Programs


Tech Education Program

TECH Education Program offers a great experience for youth to learn about coding, web design, python, and 3D-Animation. The program is available in our offices in Ramallah, Jerusalem, Nablus, and Hebron.

Coding (Python):

  • Teaches coding language basics
  • Boosts problem-solving skills
  • Enhances creativity & critical- thinking

Web Design:



The program's curriculum develops computational, creative, and critical thinking skills in youth, preparing them to become change agents in their communities. YouthCode–Gaza will further the innovative approach to technology education previously provided through Code for Palestine, which Code.X offered in partnership with PalTel Group Foundation from 2015 to 2022, graduating 300+ Palestinian youth who now constitute a sustainable community of young tech leaders and creators in Palestine.



STEM programs build creativity and problem-solving skills important in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, widely known today by the acronym STEM. Through experimentation and project-based learning, these programs advance the knowledge and skill sets that youth will need to address 21st-century challenges and actively participate in forging a sustainable future.

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