FAQ YES PROGRAM - Saudi Arabia

K-L YES 2025 - 2026

K-L YES 2025 - 2026


Q1: When did the program start, and when did Saudi Arabia join the program?
A1: The program was established by the U.S. Congress in October 2002 and officially started in Saudi Arabia in 2005. Our first student participated in the program in 2005. In Saudi Arabia, AMIDEAST manages the YES program in partnership with the local U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Office.

Q2: Who funds the YES program?
A2: The program is funded by the U.S. Department of State and sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA).

Q3: What does the program cover?
A3: The program covers all major costs, including airfare, U.S. visa fees, boarding and lodging in the USA, and provides monthly pocket money of $200.

Q4: What is a “Finalist"? What is an “Alternate"?
A4: A “Finalist” is a student who has been selected to receive a YES program scholarship. Finalist status is contingent upon the student providing any required medical or other follow-up documentation and obtaining the necessary visa and passport. An “Alternate” (reserve candidate) is designated to receive a scholarship if and only if a designated Finalist declines or is unable to accept the scholarship.

Q5: When will alternates be offered a scholarship?
A5: Alternates are offered a scholarship only when one becomes available. This can happen at any time until June 1st. After that date, it is generally no longer possible to replace a declined Finalist with an Alternate candidate.

Q6: Is there any flexibility in age?
A6: No, the age criteria are not flexible. Students must be at least 15 years old and a maximum of 18.5 years old on August 1st of the year they are traveling to the USA for the program.

Q7: Can I apply, compete, and then decide if I am serious about participating in the program?
A7: This is highly discouraged. You should only apply if you are genuinely and seriously interested in participating in the program from the very beginning and have full family support and permission. Since there is no application fee, it adds to our processing costs if an applicant is not serious about participating.

Q8: I have already traveled to the USA. Can I still apply?
A8: Students cannot have stayed in the U.S. for more than 90 consecutive days in the last 5 years.

Q9: Can I apply if my sibling has been on the YES program?
A9: Yes.

Q10: I am not a Saudi national. Do I qualify to apply for the program?
A10: No, the program is only for Saudi nationals holding a Saudi passport.

Q11: I am a dual national (Saudi & American). Am I eligible for the program?
A11: No, you are not eligible for the program.


Q1: Where will the students live in the USA?
A1: All YES exchange students live with host families for one academic year and attend school for one academic session. These placements are managed by placement organizations, which are private non-profit educational exchange organizations selected by ECA to host students.

Q2: Who are the placement organizations?
A2: Saudi students will be placed by the following organizations: ACES, AFS USA, American Councils, ASSE, FAYA/AIFS, AYUSA, CCI Greenheart, CIEE, FLAG, IRIS, PAX, STS Foundation, World Learning, World Link, and YFU USA.

Q3: What are host families?
A3: Host families are carefully chosen and are responsible for the exchange students as if they were their own children. They attend parent meetings at schools, get involved, and take an interest in everything the students do. These families prioritize making the year memorable and exciting by organizing activities and events for the students.

Q4: Where do host families come from?
A4: Host families are as ethnically diverse as the population of the U.S. While English must be the first language spoken in the home, many families are from varied ethnic backgrounds, including African Americans, Asian Americans, European Americans, and Hispanic Americans. Students should be prepared to be placed with host families from any ethnic or cultural background. In addition, families of all religious backgrounds are represented in every American community. Most American families attend religious services and identify with a particular religion. Host families can be Catholic, Jewish, Mormon, Protestant, Baptist, or from other religions common in the U.S.

Q5: How are hosts selected?
A5: Host families, like students, go through an application process that includes completing an application, undergoing an in-home interview, a background check, and providing references. They also attend orientations before the student arrives to prepare for the hosting experience.

Q6: What will be my status in the host family?
A6: Students will develop many relationships during the ten months of the YES program. The relationship with the host family is at the heart of the cultural exchange and will likely be the most important of the year. Placement organizations make every effort to match students with families that complement their personalities and interests. All YES students must possess a strong desire to be part of an American family and a willingness to accept responsibilities in their new family. These responsibilities include (for both boys and girls) helping with household chores, keeping one's room clean, and abiding by all family rules, even if they differ from the student's natural family rules. Students must exhibit flexibility, tact, politeness, and maturity. YES students who expect to be treated like guests or given special consideration in their American families are unlikely to succeed in the program.

Q7: Can I live with my relatives?
A7: No, students are not allowed to be hosted by their relatives in the USA or request placement with relatives. Any interference by relatives in the USA may negatively affect the student's adjustment process.

Q8: Can you ensure I live with a Muslim family?
A8: No, this cannot be ensured, guaranteed, or demanded from American Councils or the placement organizations. AMIDEAST Saudi Arabia does not interfere in the placement process, which is entirely managed by the placement organizations in the U.S.

Q9: Are the students safe in the host families?
A9: Yes, they are safe socially and physically, provided that students follow YES rules and abide by the host family rules.


Q1: Can I pray and fast while on the exchange in the USA?
A1: Yes, you can pray and practice your religion freely. U.S. families and schools are generally very cooperative in this regard. However, you will need to manage your religious practices independently, such as preparing your own meals during fasting periods like Ramadan.

Q2: Can I wear a headscarf (Hijab) while in the USA and in U.S. schools?
A2: Yes, all female students can continue to wear their headscarves in schools, at home, and wherever they choose.

Q3: Can I get Halal food?
A3: Halal meat can be purchased from Halal meat shops in the community or ordered by mail. These shops may be expensive or far from the host family's home. Students should not expect host parents to provide Halal food if it is unaffordable or inconvenient for the host family. Students can use their pocket money to buy Halal meat and should be prepared to cook their meals if necessary. In most U.S. homes, both parents work, so expecting hosts to cook additional meals for you would be unreasonable and impolite.


Q1: Can I graduate from high school in the USA?
A1: The program cannot guarantee that students will receive a high school diploma. Students will be enrolled in grades 10, 11, or 12 in a U.S. school and will receive a transcript and other certificates for their achievements.

Q2: Do I have to repeat my academic year?
A2: This will vary depending on the school system in your home country and the policies of your Ministry of Education regarding transcript equivalency. Students must discuss this with their schools in Saudi Arabia before applying for the program. If it is not possible to advance to the next grade upon returning to Saudi Arabia, students must be prepared to lose one academic year. The YES program offers valuable cultural experiences and skill development that will be an asset in the student’s future social and academic life.

Q3: Can I stay in the U.S. after the program's end date?
A3: Staying in the U.S. after the program's end date is illegal and a crime. The J1 visa students receive is time-bound, and students must return to their home countries once the program is completed.