With a master’s degree in fine arts under his belt, he is pursuing his Ph.D. in Film and Media Studies. He joined Amideast’s English for Journalists program with a clear goal: to hone his writing and conversation skills—skills he knew he would need to enhance to advance his career. He was also drawn to the array of topics the media-focused program covered and the innovative teaching techniques it used.
As he progressed through the program, Mohammad became more adept at choosing appropriate English phrases and words in a professional setting and developed a stronger command of English writing and speaking, pitching stories, and debating. Looking back on his experience, he reflects that the program made him “confident, skillful, and specific” in all areas. Hoping that it will open new doors for him that bring out his potential and match his qualifications and interests, he says, “It’s easy to say that this program has left a lasting impression on my life.”