Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
Rasha and Hassan Elmasry
Amjad and Suha Bseisu Foundation
Khalil Sholy and Family
Ramez Sousou and Family
Hussam Abu Issa
Ajeej Capital
Kutayba Alghanim
Mohammed Al Ghussein and Mrs. Al Ghussein
Tariq Assaf
Antoine Frem
Ray and Ghada Irani
Fadi and Leila Abuali
Armond Habiby Family Trust Fund
Huda AlSalah Balaa
Said Baransi
Amid and Patricia Baroudi
Mounir Douaidy
George Doumet
Nabil and Laura Issa
Maha Kaddoura
Zahi Khouri
Souhair Miqdadi
Wafa Saab
Jawad Ali and Zahira Dahdul
Mondher Ben Ayed
Joseph Hajjar
Horwitz Family Fund
John and Mona Oswald
Tamari Foundation
Odeh Aburdene
Amjad Ahmad
Seema and Yacoub Atalla
Allan B. Carpenter and Karen Dempsey Carpenter
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Robert Dillon
Eller Family
Dena Elkhatib
Stephen D. Falkenbury, Jr. Foundation
Turki Haithem
Frederic Hof
Elias and Sarah Ioup
Deborah Jones
Theodore Kattouf
Patrick Maley and Nancy Turck
Leslie Nucho
Robert Pelletreau
Hanine Salem
Heidi Stokes
Swarthmore Presbyterian Church
George Abed
Fares Atwan
Victoria Cheung
Benjamin and Margaret Cooper
Elena Corbett
Hisham Fahmy
Arthur Goldschmidt
Gordon Gray
Mary Gray
Kathryn Hopps and Shibley Telhami
Richard Ives
Paul Jabber
Anna Kraske
Corey Reis
William Rugh
Layla Sabra
Brenda and Thomas Tirrell
Hillary Wiesner
Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education
Al Anani Foundation for Human Development (Affiliate of Dakahlia Group)
Alphabet Inc. (Google)
Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt
The Boeing Company
Catholic Relief Services in Egypt
Challenge Corporation (MCC)
Citi Foundation
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
ETS Global
European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (EBRD)
Initiative Nationale pour le Développement Humain (INDH)
Jordanian-American Commission for Educational Exchange
Jordanian Ministry of Youth
Jordanian Special Forces
King Abdullah & His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity
Legacy International
Miral Asset Management
Moroccan-American Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange
OCP Foundation
Palestinian Student Fund
Phosboucraa Foundation
Representative Office of Ireland to the Palestinian Authority
Riyad Bank
Royal Jordanian Air Force
Sawiris Foundation for Social Development/Orascom Construction
Schmidt Futures
UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
UN Women
The University of North Texas
U.S. Agency for International Development
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI)
Winchester-Thurston High School (Pittsburgh, PA)
Youth and Development Consultancy Institute (Etijah)