Amideast is unable to respond to Fulbright applicant inquiries at this time. Please reach out to the U.S. embassy Public Affairs Section for assistance.


Tunisian female student in gap and gown

About the Program

The Fulbright Program is the U.S. government's flagship international educational and cultural exchange program, creating connections in a complex and changing world. 

Led by the U.S. government in partnership with 160 countries worldwide, Fulbright offers programs for talented and accomplished students, scholars, teachers, artists, and professionals to study, teach, and conduct research, helping to build mutual understanding and find solutions to critical international concerns.  Fulbrighters enrich their educations, advance their careers, and make meaningful contributions to communities abroad and at home.  As Fulbrighters, they join a network of thousands of alums serving as leaders across the globe. 

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program provides participants from Tunisia the opportunity to pursue graduate-level study or research in the United States.  Participants also have the unique opportunity to experience life in the United States and share their culture and traditions with Americans. 

Participants will be selected through an open, merit-based competition in which leadership potential, academic excellence, and the ability to adjust to life in the United States are considered.  By receiving a Fulbright Foreign Student Program award, participants become part of a global network of Fulbright participants and alums.

 The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and is administered by Amideast in the Middle East and North Africa region.


Besides earning your master’s degree or conducting graduate-level research at a U.S. university, there are many benefits of the Fulbright Program, including, but not limited to: 

  • Learning about the United States and American culture and sharing your own culture and traditions. 
  • Enriching knowledge and improving employment prospects with a graduate degree. 
  • Forging lasting connections and joining a global Fulbright alum network. 
  • Participating in Pre-Academic Programs and Enrichment Seminars. 
  • Exploring opportunities for professional development and research at U.S. universities. 
  • Covered award costs include tuition, a living allowance, and round-trip travel. 

Applicant Requirements 

The Fulbright Foreign Student Program is for graduates and professionals from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds.  A competitive applicant should have an excellent academic record, strong English language skills, and the commitment to return to their country or territory of nomination upon completion of the Program. 

 Fulbright Program opportunities are available to qualified individuals, with preference for applicants who have not previously studied or lived in the United States.


The requirements to apply for the Fulbright Foreign Student Program for all applicants are: 

  • Must be a citizen or permanent resident able to hold a passport from Tunisia. 
  • U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents are not eligible to apply. 
  • Must reside in Tunisia throughout the application, selection, nomination, and placement processes.  
  • Preference is given to applicants who have little or no previous experience studying or living in the United States. 
  •  Must be proficient in English or able to attend a Long-Term English (LTE) program prior to the start of the academic program.  Recommended English language test scores for U.S. university admission are at least 80 on the TOEFL iBT, 6.5 on the IELTS, or 120 on the Duolingo English Test.  However, those who test slightly below these scores and who otherwise have strong credentials, may be eligible for the LTE program.  Candidates are strongly encouraged to independently study for the TOEFL and the GRE/GMAT in advance of taking these tests. 
  • Interest in learning about American history and society, as well as sharing knowledge of Tunisian culture.

If applicants are applying to pursue a full master’s degree in the United States, they must also: 

  • Hold a degree equivalent to a U.S. bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution by the program start date.  
  • Have a strong academic background. 

If applicants are PHD students interested in applying for one-year doctoral research, the following requirements also apply:  

  • Must be enrolled in PhD program in Tunisia and have started working on their dissertations. 
  • Must possess relevant academic credentials in their fields. See above.

A candidate who has resided in the United States for five or more consecutive years in the six-year period preceding the date of application is ineligible for an award.  
Amideast staff and consultants, employees of U.S. missions who work for the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International Development, and their immediate family members, are ineligible to apply for the Fulbright Program during the period of their employment and until one year following the termination of employment.

Application Instructions 

Applications will be accepted in most fields of study, including but not limited to the humanities, social sciences, science, technology, and engineering.  However, graduate programs involving clinical studies, such as medicine and nursing, are not permitted.  Non-clinical programs, such as public health and nursing administration, are permitted.    
Applicants are required to submit the following documents with their application:

  • Original academic transcripts or certified true copies of the originals. 
  • TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo scores (if available) 
  •  A current résumé or CV detailing all prior education and work experience. 
  • Three letters of recommendation in English or certified translations into English. 
  • A personal statement in English.
  • A study/research objective statement, in English, relating to field of study or research.

An English language proficiency assessment is optional but not required at the time of application.  If you have taken the TOEFL, IELTS, or other language proficiency test within the last two years, please include a copy of your score report.  
Selected candidates should be available for interviews in Tunis in August 2025.

Important Notes 

  • Applications must be completed online.  Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. 
  • All recipients of the Fulbright Foreign Student Program award must return to their country or territory of nomination for at least two years upon completion of the program. 
  • Any applicant requiring assistance or access to a computer and internet connection to complete the application is welcome to use the advising center at Amideast for free. 
  • Applicants must reside in the nomination location throughout the application, selection, nomination, and placement processes. 


Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.  The Fulbright Program has a zero-tolerance policy toward plagiarism.  Applicants who plagiarize any part of their application may be immediately disqualified. To learn more about plagiarism, download the presentation on plagiarism and how to successfully prepare your application.   

 All submitted work should be your own, based on your own original thoughts, ideas, and level of English language proficiency.  While individual U.S. institutional policies range widely and policy responses from U.S. universities will continue to evolve, copying language/content produced by Generative AI directly into your application may negatively impact admission or affiliation decisions.

Contact Information 

For more information, contact Amideast/Tunisia