HEI in the News
Click on the links below to watch videos and read stories about the HEI Public University Scholarships.
Click on the links below to watch videos and read stories about the HEI Public University Scholarships.
Key to the success of our scholarship students is their regular connection with employed individuals and companies who can engage, inspire, and motivate, providing students with a wider and deeper understanding of the world and their role in it, as the students work towards achievement in their future careers.
1. What is the U.S.-Egypt Higher Education Initiative?
Amideast courses and workshops are taught by experienced trainers who provide opportunities for hands-on practice and application of skills to real-life situations ― the kind of training that leads to success on certification exams. You will benefit from industry-specific examples through presentations, exercises, and class discussions.
Amideast test centers work with a wide variety of assessments. Many of our offices regularly support testing agencies such as Castle Worldwide, Kryterion, CGFNS International, and others in administering their exams. We can also proctor many university or professional exams for individuals.
If you have a need for proctoring or test administration services, please contact your nearest Amideast office.
Learn more about the advantages of studying the United States by visiting U.S. Study Advantage. The site contains information on a wide range of topics of interest to international students interested in pursuing their studies at an American institution of higher education. Please explore all sections of the site relevant to your needs:
U.S. Study Basics. The most frequently asked questions on choosing and applying to U.S. programs, testing, financing your study, visas, and U.S. |